The thoughtful mind

Considering we all are humans, feeling happy, sad, angry, among many other feelings is quite common.
Among this the feelings of anger or hurt are the feelings that all of us would like to get rid off.
How much time in our life do we spend being angry or hurt over someone or something?
Although its difficult to calculate, it amounts to a lot of hours or days or weeks or may be months in a lifetime.
Is it worth to spend so much time being angry/hurt? I am sure all of us would agree it’s not and moreover it does not help in anyway.
But most of us feel helpless about these feelings coming to us and we blame it on our ‘Svabhav’ or Nature.
Our mind is a powerful tool and can think of things in different ways if we train it to. If we have accepted that we will get angry over some behaviour of a family member or a friend that we did not like, the mind will always ensure we get angry every time.
Instead we must understand that every person’s outer behavior is a reflection of his/her inner self. Everyone behaves as per what they consider is right. If we understand this, then we will be able to develop a very different way of thinking about situations or incidents. We will be able to train our mind to think positively and thus spend very less time getting angry.
The famous poet and intellectual John Milton has put this so aptly by quoting: The mind can make heaven out of hell and hell out of heaven.
The next time you feel angry over any incident with your family or friends please try to hold on and rethink. If you change the way you think you can transform so many hours of anger/hurt into a normal day filled with joy.
Let us remind ourselves that negative feelings, feelings of hurt, sadness, anger is never going to lead us anywhere so let’s not waste any of the short span of time we are on this planet.
The quality of our mind is determined by the quality of our thoughts. Let us take care of our mind like a mom takes care of her little one. Let us nurture it with the best thoughts and keep it away from any negativity to flow into it.
-By Tanvi