Recently Matize Private Limited has made it to the top ten in the list of Fortune 500 companies. Mr.Stig attributes this success to the value system of the organisation. In an interview with Mr Stig, he fondly recalls his childhood memories and how his “Ma” taught him the importance of empathy and compassion. Though Matize is a family run business and has been handed over the generations for hundreds of years, it could make it to the top due to the genius of Mr Stig.
Many people still wonder how the company could stand the test of time and keep growing. They are perplexed by the fact that though the literacy levels and scientific temperament in the world are growing, yet it has not proved to be a major hindrance for the company. Mr Stig explains that “ It may perplex some people but not me. Literacy and science can help advance civilisations, but they have almost no effect on human nature.”
If we delve into the origin of Matize, we learn that it began as a very small service provider to mark tattoos in the skin of criminals, slaves and traitors. As years passed, the Stig family realised that growth is essential to sustain the business. But they were reluctant, as they thought that growth and expansion will involve adapting according to the market requirements. They first targeted the illness and diseases sector and slowly expanded their services to culture, gender and race. They soon learnt that very few changes were actually required because customers in all the sectors had similar requirements.
A lot of research went into identifying noticeable human differences so they could be used in the process of labelling people. The next difficult task was to build stereotypes. It took thousands of bright minds over the years to make simple and socially acceptable stories around those who are labelled. But despite this, it was not easy to convince people to use their services. Matize Pvt ltd used the “Freemium” business model, where the customers could get the benefits of self-esteem enhancement and anxiety buffering for free but had to pay for control enhancement. This worked wonders, and soon they had a huge customer base.
So how do you use their services? Whenever you come across a person or group who has external deformities, known deviations in personality traits or you believe that they belong to a different tribe than your own, then don’t hesitate. Call the free helpline by Matize. They will guide you on how to react. Remember, self-esteem enhancement is guaranteed. As a precautionary measure, turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what the other person may feel or say.
The path to success is perilous and fraught with dangers. Various organisations and NGOs have started campaigning against discrimination caused in society due to Mr Stig and his company Matize Pvt Ltd. But Mr Stig is not worried because he firmly believes that it is very difficult to change human nature.
– Chaitanya